Books and Book Chapters
"How Cities Learn: urban experimentation for creating and governing technology"
PhD Dissertation | Doctorate in Advanced Urbanism, MIT
"The Civic Method (Elsevier)"
How to Run a City Like Amazon and Other Fables (eds. Mark Graham, Rob Kitchin, Shannon Mattern and Joe Shaw) | Meatspace Press
"Spatial JPEG"
Adrian Villar Rojas: The Work of the Ocean (Forthcoming; Preview here) | De 11 Lijnen Foundation
The City of Tomorrow: Sensors, Networks, Hackers and the Future of Urban Life
Carlo Ratti and Matthew Claudel | Yale University Press
Open Source Architecture
Carlo Ratti with Matthew Claudel | Thames & Hudson
"Analysis Beyond Computation"
Analytic Models in Architecture (ed. Emmanuel Petit) | Yale School of Architecture Press
"Government's Role in Growing a Smart City" (with Alice Birolo, Carlo Ratti)
Smart Cities as Democratic Ecologies (ed. Daniel Araya) | Palgrave MacMillan
"Raster to Vector: Towards a Live Associative Model" (with Marco Maria Pedrazzo, Niccolo Suraci)
Urban data: Tools and Methods Towards the Algorithmic City (eds. Roberto Pagani, Giacomo Chiesa) | Franco Angeli
"Futurecraft" (with Carlo Ratti)
What Urban Media Art Can Do (eds. Susa Pop, Tanya Toft, Nerea Calvillo, Mark Wright) | avedition
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
"Spatial proximity matters: A study on collaboration" (with Arianna Salazar Miranda)
PLoS One
"A Rumble in the Taupe Hum of Info-Capital: On Reduction and the Neoliberal City" (with Matt Shafer)
The MIT Journal of Design and Science (JoDS)
"From Organizations to Organizational Fields: the Evolution of Civic Innovation Ecosystems"
Technology Innovation Management Review
"An exploration of collaborative scientific production at MIT through spatial organization andinstitutional affiliation"
(with Fiona Murray, Carlo Ratti, Emanuele Massaro, and Paolo Santi)
PLoS One
"Future Flow Mapping" (with Carlo Ratti and Till Nagel)
Journal of the Built Environment
"Futurecraft: Tomorrow by Design" (with Carlo Ratti)
Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture & Environment
Magazine, White Papers, and Popular Press Articles
The State Must Always be Rediscovered
XXIII International Exhibition of Triennale Milano | Milan, Italy
"Finding Common Ground: Integrated Climate Action for Open Smart Communities in Canada" (with Sophie Nitoslawski and Merlin Chatwin)
Open North
Field Notes (Newsletter via Substack)
"Creating Civic Value in Open Smart Communities" (with Sophie Nitoslawski)
Open North | Future Cities Canada
"Technology Procurement: Shaping Future Public Value" (with Bianca Wylie)
Open North | Future Cities Canada
"Arts Institutions in a New Era of Social Imagination"
The Innovator | Medium
"Breathing recycled air, and filling a carrier bag of provisions"
PROVISIONS: Observing & Archiving COVID-19 | The Site Magazine (Special Issue)
"Civic (Ad)Ventures"
Some Thoughts
"Legitimacities" (with Jayne Engle, Indy Johar, Jonathan Lapalme, Chloe Treger, Joost Beunderman)
McConnell Foundation Cities for People Initiative
"Design And The Value Of Space-Time, Or, Tomorrow Belongs To Everybody!"
Foundations / Disruptions | The Site Magazine
"Streets and Sidewalks in Alphabet's City" (with Julian Agyeman)
McConnell Foundation Cities for People Initiative | Medium
"Beta Blocks, or, an open question: what is civic technology?"
Boston Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics | Medium
"Urban Innovation Dispatch: Introduction"
MIT SA+P | Medium
"Urban Innovation Dispatch: Aarhus"
MIT SA+P | Medium
"Innovation Should Serve Livelihoods, Not Lifestyles" (with Julian Agyeman)
The Boston Globe
"The Magnetism of a Digital-Era Campus"
MIT Alumni Magazine
"Beyond Things That Flicker" (Editor's Choice Award)
Arch Daily
"The New Metropolitics of Nature" (with Katherine Eshel)
DIS Magazine
Yale Daily News | articles for Arts & Culture Section (staff writer)
Writing in my Prior Position at Senseable City Lab
"A/B Architecture: Publicly Augmented Design"
Architectural Design Magazine
"If Work is Digital, Why Do We Still Go to the Office?"
Harvard Business Review
"Mobile phone-based mapping of human movement"
Financial Times, FT Magazine
"Personalizing Climate Control"
Architectural Review
"The Disappearance of Times Square"
"The Rise of the Invisible Detail: Ubiquitous Computing and the 'Minimum Meaningful'"
Architectural Design Magazine
"Government's Role in Growing the Smart City" (with Carlo Ratti, Alice Birolo)
"The Power of Networks" (with Alex Haw, Carlo Ratti, Antoine Picon)
AR Architectural Review
"Networked Specifism Beyond Critical Regionalism" (with Alex Haw, Carlo Ratti, Antoine Picon)
FutureEverything Publications